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Mission Statement

We provide training in Personal Development, Goal Setting, Leadership, Sales, Coaching and Consulting services to any individual or organization that wants to grow and improve their lives or thier organization. We keep our methods simple yet effective. We also provide resources for continued education to maximize effectiveness. We delivery our services and products both conventionally and over the world wide web. Our products and services are delivered in several languages and countries



Core Ideology

We help our clients, employees and share holders accomplish their goals. We deliver our products and services with the highest level of integrity and professionalism possible.

The origin of the name Forttified Training comes from the word fortified and my last name Fortt.

 You may say "why fortified?", well here is the answer!

Ron Fortt
Ron Fortt


          a: to strengthen and secure

          b: to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to something

          c: to add mental or moral strength to encourage <fortified by prayer>

          d: to add material to for strengthening or enriching

Forttified could be considered twice as strong because there are two T's! We believe our training programs are!

Welcome to Forttified Training


 Currently we are only offering the following video training:






"I was once like so many people in our society. Lost, hopeless with very little resources. But one day I meet a college professor that
taught me two very important things.Perhaps the most important lessons I ever learned! He taught me that what the majority of people think is probably wrong because they don't do the research. The second lesson that he taught me was how to study. These two lessons have been instrumental in my success. These lessons also helped me develop my core ideology, which is helping people accomplish their goals. This is why Forttified Training was created". Ronald A.J.Fortt-President and CEO of Forttified Training


Leadership, personal development, training and goal setting are at the corner stone of Mr. Ron Fortt's business background. In addition to this Mr. Fortt has extensive operational knowledge and experience across several business verticals. Mr. Fortt served on Toyota's National Dealer Council and is a graduate of the NADA Dealer Academy. Mr. Fortt has run several businesses as either the General Manager, Vice President or an Owner. Mr. Fortt was also the Corporate Trainer for one of the largest retailers in Northern California. His background includes direct experience with Mercedes Benz, Toyota and Chrysler to name a few.

Mr. Fortt  owned a  Toyota store in Tracy, CA from 2000-2007. In its first two years of business, Mr. Fortt developed the store to the level of one of the top 300 Toyota stores in the nation.

Mr. Fortt has enjoyed a great deal of recognition throughout his career. He has been presented with numerous awards from Toyota Motor Sales, Chrysler Corporation and others to name a few.


Mr. Fortt has founded several successful businesses in other business verticals as well. From software to real estate.

Forttified Training was launched in 2001. Mr. Fortt has coached and trained  Real Estate Companies, Automobile dealerships, Individuals and other busineses throughout the United States since 1982.